High School and College are some of the most meaningful times to discover your natural abilities and develop strategies for offsetting challenges. My program for students includes identifying your learning profile, college and career planning and developing learning strategies to help you make the most of your time in education.




TESTing & College planning

Many students make choices about the college they hope to attend and a program of study by trial and error. The Highlands Program gives you the opportunity to consider potential careers and programs of study, based on your natural abilities and interests, minimizing the guesswork about what programs may be the best matches for you.


testing & career planning

Being in college is an exciting and important transition in a person’s life.  Since selected college programs should be based potential career choices, it is helpful for college students to have some idea of what potential career options they have.  

The Highlands Ability Battery offers the opportunity for college bound or college students to explore career options based on their natural abilities. This helps them to make informed decisions about what programs to enroll in or what classes to take.  


Your career path is a lifelong journey.  Whether you are at the start of your journey, or at a transitional turning point, the Highlands Program is an excellent tool for helping you evaluate your options, based on your ability set. It does not tell you definitively what career to choose, but indicates what careers would be strong matches for you, helping you to make informed decisions about this important choice at each point on your journey.

Testing & Courses for Students